
Longview School District


Longview, WA, USA
St Helens Kid

December 13, 2021

Longview Public Schools

Parent Letter – Special Education


Dear Parents and Families,

We are reaching out to wish you happy holidays and wanted to provide an update with a few highlights of some of the ongoing work this year. 

  • We continue working towards improving the social/emotional health of each student and meeting their academic achievement goals.
  • Special Education staff members continue focusing on inclusive efforts where students are learning in the general education environment. 
  • The employees and students are excited to be back in the classroom together and they are gradually settling into positive routines.
  • This district is fortunate to be fully staffed with special education teachers, but are always on the lookout for more paraeducators. If you, or someone you know, is interested in becoming a paraeducator please click here for a list of current job openings.
  • Our Transition Academy Program for 18-21 year-old students is up and running and located at Lower Columbia College. Students at the Transition Academy are learning important skills for life after high school.
  • The district is working hard to increase the level of emergency preparedness at each school and has conducted extra emergency drills at every school this year.
  • If you want us to celebrate your child on the district website and social media send a photo and comments about a recent achievement to

We appreciate your support and look forward to continued learning and growth in the New Year! 



Elizabeth A. West

Executive Director of Special Education

Longview Public Schools