
Longview School District


Longview, WA, USA

At their March 11, 2024, regular meeting, the Board of Directors:

  • Approved the consent agenda which contained the February 20, 21, 22, 23, 2024 special meeting minutes, the February 26, 2024 regular meeting minutes, the personnel report and addendum, and the warrants.  
  • Recognized Star Polishers and Education Support Professionals Week, which is March 11 - 15, 2024. 
  • Heard a legislative update about improved funding for MSOCs, change in formula to the prototypical model that will allow the hiring of more paraeducators and secretarial support in schools, and improved funding percentage for special education, from 15% to 16%. 
  • Reviewed the Mid-Year Student Academic Growth Data for January.
  • Heard an update on Procedure 1250 Students on Governing Boards. The Superintendent informed the board that he met with the high school principals to discuss the procedure and they provided recommendations which were shared with the board. The procedure will be on the March 25th agenda. 
  • Approved several PRAM bid awards including: awarding bids for security fencing at Olympic Elementary; Secure walking path at Mint Valley Elementary; Security Fencing at Kessler and a push bar at Broadway Learning Center; and Discovery room conversion for Longview Virtual Academy.
  • Next regular meeting is set for March 25, 2024.