
Longview School District


Longview, WA, USA
Use of School Facilities Procedure 4260

Procedure No. 4260P

Community Use of School Facilities

Facility Usage Classifications

Class I - Usages by the school district, official parent organizations or other groups directly connected with, or a part of, the school district organization.

Class II - Usages by the City of Longview, the YMCA, and Lower Columbia College, which are covered by joint usage agreements between the school district and these organizations.

Class III - Usages of a community service organization or recreational nature serving local youth.

Class IV - Usages by nonprofit organizations or groups in the community which involve additional costs to the district and which are not commercial in nature. This classification shall include, but not be limited to:

Community concerts, displays, recreational events, etc.; fund raising events by local service organizations; religious meetings; political meetings; school fund raising events; public schools, college or community education courses.

Class V - Usages by commercial organizations. Under normal conditions, school district facilities will not be rented for commercial purposes, particularly when such rentals would be in competition with local facilities operated for profit. If, in the opinion of the superintendent, a commercial rental is appropriate, a 20 percent surcharge will be added to the rate computed for Class IV usage.


Fees and Scheduling

Usage fees will not be charged under classification I. Classification III may be charged a fee for facilities usage under certain circumstances. Classification III will be charged a fee for facility usage on weekend days or other usage times when custodial staff is not normally scheduled. Scheduling priorities will be in the order of classification according to the following calendar; however, school district needs will supersede prior usage commitments when necessary.

August 1: Fields not typically used for school activities may be scheduled.

August 31: All school district functions will be placed on the calendar.

September 15: City of Longview, YMCA, and Lower Columbia College 

events will be placed on the calendar. Scheduling conflicts between the two agencies will be resolved by discussion with the groups with the school district having final authority for scheduling decisions.

September 20: Organized activities for school age youth, functioning under responsible adult supervision, will be placed on the calendar. Other Short-term Class IV and V usages may be scheduled prior to September 20 if, in the opinion of the administration, such usages would not result in conflicts with Class I, II, and III usages.



Those organizations directly concerned with the schools (e.g. P.T.A., etc.), and those sponsored by the schools or affiliated organizations shall be allowed reasonable use of school facilities for meetings without the payment of a fee. Functions requiring additional district personnel, when employees are not normally scheduled, shall be charged an hourly custodial fee.

It is the intent of the board that the district shall rent or lease or otherwise permit the use of school facilities to groups or organizations for such fees as will compensate the district for the reasonable costs thereof. Additionally, to any organization renting a school facility with the intent of realizing a profit there from (through charging admission, taking up a collection, or other), the rental fee shall be reasonably increased to partially compensate the district for normal maintenance and wear and tear.

The administration is directed to establish and revise as circumstances may warrant a schedule of fees consistent with the policy outlined above, and to advise the board thereof. The established fees in effect at any given time shall apply to the use of those facilities the schedule covers; for any facility not covered in the schedule, the administration may determine a reasonable fee from the relevant factors or decline to release for nonschool use.


Insurance and other requirements

All organizations scheduling district facilities will be required to sign an agreement holding the district harmless for any liability. All organizations scheduling district facilities for activities which involve potential for personal injury or property damage must provide evidence of adequate liability insurance coverage. When insurance is required, the organization shall name the district as an additional insured on insurance provided. Other documentation, such as cardiac arrest and concussion-head injury forms, may be required before a facility can be used.


Initially Adopted: December 1, 1958

Adopted: October 12, 2009

Amended:  August 9, 2010

Amended: August 28, 2023


Custodial Fee Schedule

School Day – Night Usage: Hourly custodial rates for Class IV and V and for usage after 9:00pm.








Total Hourly Rate

Secondary Schools






Elementary Schools






Kessler Auditorium






Dana Brown Mainstage Theater**






Memorial Stadium***





Weekend Usage: Hourly custodial rates.



(2 hr. min.)




*Elec. & Misc.


Total Hourly Rate

Secondary Schools






Elementary Schools






Kessler Auditorium






Dana Brown Mainstage Theater**






Memorial Stadium***        $56.02                                       $70.00                       $126.02



  1. The above rates apply to rooms, gyms, auditoriums, swimming pool, Dana Brown Mainstage Theater**, cafeteria and Memorial Stadium.
  2. When food is prepared, a member(s) of the district’s food service staff must be employed to supervise at additional cost to renter.

 *     Includes electricity costs, water costs, sewer, paper products, and custodial cleaning products. Additional electrical or miscellaneous charges may apply if significant additional costs are incurred by the district.

**    In addition to the above hourly rates, there is a flat fee of $150.00 per day for use of the Dana Brown Mainstage Theater.

***  The electricity charge will only apply when the stadium lights or scoreboard are used. At Memorial Stadium, custodial coverage is required for the entire event.