Nutrition, Health, and Physical Education
Wellness Policy
The wellness policy must include, but is not limited to:
- Goals for nutrition education, nutrition promotion, and other school-based activities to promote wellness;
- The Smart Snacks in School standards for all foods and beverages sold to students on campus during the school day, including access to water;
- Standards consistent with federal regulations for school meal programs and the Smart Snacks in School standards for other foods available to students (e.g., food brought from home for classroom events/parties and food used as rewards or incentives);
- Policies for marketing only food and beverages that meet the Smart Snacks in School standards;
- Standards for quality physical education and nutrition education programs aligned to state learning standards that help students develop lifelong healthy behaviors;
- Promotion of activities that provide students opportunities to be physically active before, during and after school;
- Engagement of the community in support of the District’s work in creating continuity between school and other settings for students and staff to practice lifelong healthy habits;
- Establishment of a wellness committee that includes representatives from the school and that permits participation from members of the community;
- Designation of one or more school official(s) to ensure compliance of each school; and
- Direct committee review and assessment of the wellness policy every three years.
Wellness Committee
The Superintendent (or) Designee will convene a wellness committee to establish goals for the district-level wellness policy and to oversee its development, implementation, periodic review and updating.
The wellness committee is responsible for:
A. Establishing committee membership and operating protocol;
B. Understanding wellness policy compliance requirements;
C. Developing an implementation plan for the wellness policy;
D. Recordkeeping;
E. Annual public notification of the wellness policy;
F. Triennial progress assessments;
G. Making recommendations to the Board for revising the wellness policy; and
H. Leading community involvement, outreach and communications initiatives regarding the wellness policy.
Annual Notification
Families of the Longview School District and the public will be notified on an annual basis of the availability of the wellness policy and provide information that would enable interested households to obtain more details. The committee is encouraged to provide as much information as possible about the school nutrition environment.
Triennial Progress Assessments
At least once every three years, the Superintendent (or) Designee will evaluate compliance with the wellness policy. The triennial assessment will consider:
- Compliance of the wellness policy within the Longview schools.
- The extent to which the wellness policy compares to the Alliance for a Healthier Generation’s model wellness policy.
- The extent to which progress has been made in attaining the goals of the wellness policy.
Updates to the Policy
The wellness committee will provide recommendations to the Board for updates to the wellness policy based on the results of the annual School Health Index and triennial assessments and/or as priorities change and new federal or state guidance or standards are issued.
Records documenting compliance with the wellness policy will be available for public inspection on the district website. Records will include, but will not be limited to:
- The written wellness policy.
- Documentation demonstrating that the document has been made available to the public
- Documentation of the triennial assessment.
- Documentation to demonstrate compliance with the annual public notification requirement.
Nutrition and Food Services Program
Community Eligibility Program
The District will operate Community Eligibility Provision to the fullest extent allowed, ensuring that the maximum number of students will receive breakfast and lunch at no charge. If a school does not qualify for CEP, the Nutrition Services Department will annually distribute the Letter to Households and Free and Reduced-Price Meal Applications to all student households at the beginning of each school year. They will also maximize Direct Certification of qualifying students at the non-CEP schools to ensure as many students possible receive free breakfast and lunch.
Breakfast After-the-Bell
Each high-needs school shall offer breakfast after-the-bell to each student and provide adequate time for students to consume the offered food. Schools that are not obligated by state law to offer breakfast after- the-bell will be encouraged to do so.
Meal Patterns and Menu Planning
USDA meal patterns for the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, and Smart Snacks in School standards for all food and beverages sold to students on school campus during the school day will be adhered to. The school day is defined by the USDA as midnight prior to school starting until 30 minutes after school lets out.
Meal Pricing
The Board of Directors shall determine paid meal prices annually for the National School Breakfast and Lunch Program and follow Paid Lunch Equity regulations.
Children with Special Dietary Needs
Procedures accommodating children with special dietary needs following guidance and regulations meeting the USDA guidance in this area will continue.
Civil Rights
USDA Food and Nutrition Civil Rights and nondiscrimination policies will be followed.
All state and federal guidelines will be followed when procuring food for the Federal School Meal Programs and as part of the procurement procedures, establish a procurement plan and Code of Conduct consistent with the Uniform Grant Guidance; 2 CFR 200. Food specifications shall be written in a manner to procure food products that meet the school meal pattern requirements.
Smart Snacks Standards in School
All foods and beverages marketed and sold to students on campus during the school day (e.g., vending machines, school stores, bake sales, and other school fundraisers) must meet USDA Smart Snacks standards. All items sold will be deemed appropriate to sell by using the Smart Snack Calculator, printing and keeping approval documentation for review when needed.
The Smart Snack Calculator is found at
Smart Snack Standards will be reviewed each year as part of the start of the year principals meetings.
Foods and beverages that meet or exceed the USDA Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards may be sold through fundraisers on the school campus during the school day. The District will make available to parents, teachers, PTO groups, Clubs, etc. a list of healthy fundraising ideas.
School and Classroom Celebrations and Rewards
Principals will encourage classroom celebrations to limit or eliminate the use of food. The use of food for reward should also be limited or eliminated.
Nutrition Education
Schools in the district are encouraged to coordinate content across curricular areas that promote student health when appropriate. School gardens are important and valued as a learning resource; experiences available to all k-8 students will continue. Staff and community resources should continue to provide experiences for our k-8 students.
Health and Physical Education
The superintendent will adopt and implement a comprehensive physical education curriculum aligned with the Washington State Health and Physical Education K-12 Learning Standards.
Quality Physical Education
Schools will implement a physical education program which includes instruction and practice in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns; knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance; knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness; responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others; and values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and social interaction.
Physical Activity Before and After School
The District will encourage and support the development of opportunities before and/or after the school day which strengthen youth education and well being.
Elementary Recess and Lunch
Elementary lunch schedules should allow for 20 minutes of seated lunch if needed by the student.
Each elementary school will offer at least 30 minutes of physically active daily recess opportunities that align with state and national recess recommendations and maintain safe and age-appropriate equipment to use during recess.
Schools should not withhold recess as a form of discipline unless a student’s participation in recess poses a safety threat or the discipline is in direct response to recess behavior. Recess should not be withheld to compel students to complete academic work.
Water Availability
To promote hydration, free, safe, and unflavored drinking water will be available to all students throughout the school day and throughout every school campus. Drinking water will be available where school meals are served during mealtimes. In addition, students will be allowed to bring with them, and carry throughout, the day approved water bottles. The District will strive to assure that water bottle filling stations are available at each school site.
Air Quality
Schools will be encouraged to create “No Idle Zones” for bus and automobiles during pick up and drop off times.
Staff Wellness and Health Promotion
Opportunities that focus on staff wellness issues, and/or identify and disseminate wellness resources in coordination with human resources will be offered subject to resource availability. Staff wellness will be encouraged in multiple ways including but not limited to staff newsletters, staff email, Inside Lines, posters and signs, etc. Staff input will be solicited on an annual basis.
Physical Wellness
Examples of resources that may be made available are:
- Open Gym Times
- Staff Swim Times
- Promoting Staff Walk Competitions
- Promoting Community Walk/Run Events
Mental Health
Staff will be made aware of and encouraged to use available mental health resources.
School District Facilities
Access to school sites will be provided through permitting use of facilities to community youth sports groups consistent with the District’s facilities use policy, community college, and municipal joint use agreements and partnerships with youth organizations so additional opportunities are available for all youth in the community to participate in quality physical activity, fitness, sports, and recreation programs.
Adoption Date: July 18, 2005
Revised: April 12, 2010
Revised: April 23, 2018
Revised: March 25, 2024