
Longview School District


Longview, WA, USA
Naming Facilities Procedure 6970

Procedure No. 6970P


Naming Facilities

Maintaining the names of existing school district buildings or portions of buildings is desired.  However, occasionally a change in the name of a school building, or a portion of a building, may be considered by the board. Also, it may be necessary to name a new building, a district facility, or name a portion of a building. The district understands that community input is important regarding any name change, naming of a new building, a district facility, or portion of a building.


Initial Naming of a School or Building

  1. The opportunity to name a new school or building comes about as a result of new construction. Replacing an existing school or building, either at the same site or another location, is not considered new construction for the purpose of this procedure.  (see replacement schools or buildings)
  2. Names of new schools or buildings should be selected based upon the criteria noted in Policy 6970. Whenever the opportunity to initially name a school or building is presented, the superintendent will direct the principal or appropriate district administrator to develop a community input process to bring forward at least three recommended names to the board of directors. The recommended names will not be prioritized.
  3. The principal, or appropriate administrator, shall prepare a written report summarizing school and community recommendations, including supporting rationale, for the proposed new names. The report will be submitted to the superintendent. The superintendent will provide a written report to the board at the next board meeting.
  4. The board will take action on the proposed names thirty (30) days after the superintendent provides a written report at a board meeting.

Initial Naming of a Portion of a School or Building

  1. Portions of a school include, but are not limited to rooms, auditoriums, gymnasiums, athletic fields, and libraries.
  2. The opportunity to name a portion of a school or building or name a portion of a new school or building could result from, among other reasons, new construction or in recognition of a gift or other funding opportunity.
  3. Whenever the opportunity to name a portion of a school or building is presented, the superintendent will direct the principal or appropriate district administrator to develop a community input process regarding the naming opportunity.            
  4.  The principal or appropriate administrator shall prepare a written report summarizing school and community recommendations for the proposed new name. The report will be submitted to the superintendent. The superintendent will provide a written report to the board at the next board meeting.
  5. The board will take action on the proposed names thirty (30) days after the superintendent provides a written report at a board meeting.

Naming in Recognition of a Gift

  1. In any cases that a gift is in exchange for naming of a school, building, facility or portion thereof, the requestor(s) shall make a formal proposal to the superintendent on the gift proposal form referred to in policy and procedure 6114.
  2. If the superintendent determines the proposal provides a significant improvement to or addition to the quality of the school, building, facility or portion thereof, the superintendent will direct the principal or appropriate district administrator to develop a community input process regarding the gift and naming rights associated with the gift.
  3. The principal or district designee will prepare a written report summarizing support of and/or opposition to the gift and naming of the school, building, facility or portion thereof.
  4. If the school, building, facility or portion thereof has previously been named, "changing a school or building name" procedures apply
  5. The board will take action on the proposed gift and naming thirty (30) days after the superintendent provides a written report at a board meeting.

Changing a School or Building Name

  1. The person(s) proposing the name change should present the proposal to the superintendent.
  2. If the superintendent determines the school or building name change should be considered, the superintendent will direct the principal or appropriate district administrator to develop a community input process regarding the naming change.
  3. The principal or administrator will prepare a written report summarizing school and community support of and/or opposition to the proposed change. This report will be submitted to the superintendent.
  4. If the building was originally named after a local person, a good faith effort must be demonstrated to contact and seek input from the relatives of the person before a name change is approved.
  5. The superintendent will provide a written report to the board at the next board meeting.
  6. The board will take action on the proposed name change thirty (30) days after the superintendent provides a written report at a board meeting.

Changing the Name of a Portion of a School or Building

  1. The procedure will be same as listed above in “changing a school building name”.

Replacement Schools or Buildings

  1. When a building is replaced, either at the same location or a new location, it should retain the same name unless the procedures for “changing a school building name” are followed.

Program Names

  1. Naming and changing the name of programs are within the authority of the superintendent.


Cross references:

Policy 6114 Acceptance of Gifts, Conveyances, Devises and Bequests
Procedure 6114 Procedures and Criteria for Acceptance of Gifts




Initially Adopted: September 28, 1998

Adopted: April 12, 2010

Amended: November 28, 2016