
Longview School District


Longview, WA, USA
Interscholastic Activities Procedure 2151

Procedure No. 2151P


Interscholastic Athletics and Activities

Athletic & Activity Code

The opportunity to participate in the interscholastic athletic program is a privilege granted to all students of the district. Participants in this voluntary program are expected to conform to specific conduct standards established by the board of directors,  principals and athletic coaches.

A student who is found to be in violation of any rule is subject to removal from the team. Provision is made for a student who has allegedly violated one or more of the conduct rules to appeal a disciplinary action as specified in this code.

Activities Covered:

  • All athletic teams, including managers and statisticians
  • ASB and class officers
  • Drama
  • All clubs or activities that compete interscholastically
  • Rally squad

The following rules shall be applicable the first day of fall practice or August 15 whichever occurs first and be in effect until the last day of school.:

Alcohol, Drugs, Illegal Substances, Paraphanalia and Tobacco

The use or possession of drugs including controlled substances, illegal substances or opiates, steriods, alcohol and tobacco including electronic delivering devices, chemicals or devices that produce the same flavor or physical effect of nicotine substances and other tobacco innovations which are not prescribed by a physician is prohibited.

First Offense:  The student will be removed from competition in any extracurriculuar activity for half of the current sport season or twenty (20) school days, whichever is longer, if the student is participating in the current sport season. The twenty (20) school days will carry into the next season in which the student desires to participate. If the student at the time of the offense is not participating in a sport or activity, the (20) school days sanction will be applied to the first sports season in which that student will participate.  The sanction can be applied for one calendar year from the date of the offense.  The student must also meet with a state certified drug and alcohol agent for a formal assessment and follow the recommendation of the assessment (no assessment for tobacco use is required).

If the student does not go through the initial formal assessment process, he/she will be out of the activity indefinitely.

Second Offense: The student will be removed from participation (practice and competition) for the remainder of that post season, plus two additional sports seasons, if they are currently participating at the time of the offense.  If the student is not participating in an activity at the time of the offense, the student will be ineligible for the two successive activity seasons for which they intend to participate.  The sanction can be applied for one calendar year from the date of the offense.  The student must also meet with a state certified drug and alcohol agent for a formal assessment and follow the recommendation of the assessment (no assessment of tobacco use is required).

If the student does not go through the initial formal assessment process, he/she will be out of the activity indefinitely.

Third Offense:  No further participation (practice and competition.)

All provisions of this section will take effect August 15, 2013.

Self-Referrals: Prior to being found in violation of policy 2151 by the school, police, or any third party other than parents, students will be allowed to continue in the extracurricular activities only if referral to a certified drug/alcohol professional is made. Referrals by students referring themselves or parents referring the student will be handled in a confidential manner. The student must follow through with the recommendation of the assessment prescribed by the certified drug/alcohol agent (no assessment for tobacco use is required).

GPA Requirement for Participation – High School Only

All students except those with an approved Individual Educational Program (IEP) will be required to maintain a minimum 2.0 grade point average (GPA) in order to participate in district-sponsored extracurricular activities effective at the start of the seventh grade.  A student must maintain enrollment in at least five (5) classes (or the Running Start equivalent) in order to be eligible.  Eligibility for special education students will be determined as part of the IEP process.

A. GPA Defined

For the purposes of these procedures, GPA shall be calculated on grades earned at the end of the first and third quarters. The final semester grades shall be used to calculate the GPA at the end of the second and fourth quarters. Fourth quarter grades for eighth grade students will be used to determine eligibility for first quarter ninth grade activities. If semester grades are not given, then the quarter grade will be used.

Any student failing to meet the minimum 2.0 GPA standard at any grading period will be allowed the following quarter as a probationary period in which to improve academic performance. Participation (that is, practice and competition) in all activities will be allowed during the probationary period. A student must earn at least a 2.0 GPA at the conclusion of the probationary quarter in order to continue participation (that is, practice and competition). Only one probationary period will be granted during an academic year. Two consecutive probationary periods will not be allowed.

On the date grades are required to be turned in by teachers, the principal or designee shall calculate the GPA for each student on probation. Failure to meet the 2.0 GPA on that date will result in termination of eligibility beginning the following day. Teachers will be expected to assign a letter grade for each probationary student on that date for purposes of this calculation.  Later grade changes will not be accepted for the purpose of changing eligibility unless it can be demonstrated than an error was made by the teacher in determining the grade.

Pursuant to WIAA Policy 18.7.3, grades will be reviewed every 3-6 weeks.

In order to be eligible for the current activity season, the student must have passed the required number of courses identified in WIAA Policy 18.7.0.

Each site or program may check grades more frequently.  All athletes and their families will be informed of the WIAA, District, Building and Team rules specific to academic eligibility.

B. Tutoring Assistance

To the extent possible under budgetary and personnel restrictions, the district will make available tutoring services to assist all students who fail to make a 2.0 GPA. Each student who is on probation may be required to utilize the tutoring services which will maximize the student’s prospects for learning and achieving the required minimum grade point.

C. Procedure in the Event of Academic Probation

Each student and his or her parent or guardian will be advised in writing by delivery of the written advice to the student and its mailing to the parent or guardian of the student’s placement on probation and the reason(s) for the placement after the end of the grading period in which the minimum grade point or other requirement of eligibility is not achieved.

At the time a student becomes ineligible, the student and his or her parent or guardian will be advised in writing, as above, of the student’s ineligibility for continued participation in extra-curricular activities.

Academic Eligibility for Participation – Middle School Only

Due to the length of middle level athletic seasons, middle schools will develop a schedule to review grades aligned to the intent of this procedure and WIAA Policy 18.7.  All other procedures described in sections A and B above shall apply to the middle level eligibility.

Criminal Activity

Criminal Activity for the purposes of this policy and procedure occurs when a student is charged and/or arrested for any offense that is classified as a criminal misdemeanor or above.  All provisions of this section will take effect August 15, 2013.

First Offense:  The student will be removed from competition in any extracurriculuar activity for half of the current sport season or twenty (20) school days, whichever is longer. The twenty (20) school days will carry into the next season in which the student desires to participate.

Second Offense:  The student will be removed from participation (practice and competition) for the remainder of that post season, plus two additional sports seasons.

Third Offense:  No further participation (practice and competition.)

Suspension from School

Students who are suspended from school for violation of school policy or legal infractions are prohibited from participating and/or attending school athletic events or activities for the duration of the out-of-school suspension. Students who are assigned to in-school suspension will be handled on a case by case basis with regards to athletic and activity participation.

Additional Rules and Regulations

Head coaches/advisors may establish additional rules and regulations which apply only to their teams. The additional rules may not violate or supersede any rules or regulations in this code.  Additional rules and regulations must be approved by the building principal or designee and distributed in writing to all participants prior to the beginning of the season.

Appeal Process For Disciplinary Action

When infractions occur within the athletic program, the following process may be followed:

A. Upon the imposition of penalty for infraction(s) of said rules or regulations, any aggrieved student and parents of said student shall have the right to an informal conference with the building principal and/or designee. If the students and parents do not make a written request for this informal conference within five (5) school days of the action grieved, they will have waived their right to the conference and appeal procedure. The informal conference is to be held within three (3) school days of the request.

B. The building principal will hear the case in detail and will render a decision within three (3) school days after hearing the case.

C. The aggrieved party may appeal to the superintendent of schools within three (3) school days of the appeals decision. The superintendent of schools, after hearing the case in detail, shall render a decision within ten (10) school days of the hearing.

D. The aggrieved party may appeal the superintendent's decision to the board of directors within three (3) school days. The board of directors, after hearing the case in detail, shall render a decision on the case within ten (10) school days of the hearing. This decision shall be final.

With respect to students who are eighteen or over, the above procedural elements may include parents or guardians, but notice to and involvement by parents or guardians in the decision are not required.

Summer Sports Activities/Clinics

Rules governing out-of-school and/or out-of-season student sports participation are as follows:

A. A practice is defined as a teaching phase of a sport to any present, past or future squad member while a student in grade 7-12 during the school year or during the summer. The school may not sponsor, promote or direct activities which resemble out-of-season practices or contests during the school year or summer. A school staff member who sponsors, promotes or directs such activities during the summer vacation shall clearly indicate that he/she is operating independent of the school district. As such, the school district shall be free of liability associated with the activity.

B. A coach (contracted or volunteer) may not sponsor, promote, coach or direct activities which resemble out-of-season practices or contests in the sport they coach to any of their squad members or future squad members (grades 7-12) until after the school year's final WIAA state tournament.

C. The use of the school bulletin board, public address system or school newspaper for promotional purposes to announce sports clinics/camps shall fall within the same guidelines as applied to other commercial endeavors.

D. School facilities to be used for summer activity and/or sports camps may be rented consistent with the rates, rules and regulations applicable for other commercial uses.

A user shall hold the district free and without harm from any loss or damage, liability or expense that may arise during or be caused in any way such use of school facilities. Authorization for use of school facilities shall not be considered as endorsement of or approval of the activity group or organization nor for the purposes it represents.


Adopted: December 14, 2009

Amended: March 11, 2013

Amended: April 13, 2015