Infectious Disease Control
Staff members, including substitutes, student teachers, and volunteers, are encouraged to complete an immunization history form to be placed on file at the district office. In the event of an outbreak of a vaccine-preventable disease in school, the local health officer has the authority to exclude all susceptible persons, including school staff. This authority would likely be exercised in the event of one or more cases of measles or rubella within the school. Susceptible, as related to measles, means any staff member born after January 1, 1957.
A staff member may claim an exemption for health, religious, or philosophical reasons. However, such a staff member who files an exemption may be excluded if an outbreak occurs at his/her school. A staff member who is excluded is not eligible to receive sick leave benefits unless he/she is ill or physically disabled or is otherwise provided for in the collective bargaining agreement.
If a staff member needs to be immunized, he/she should contact a personal physician or clinic. Immunizations may also be available at a nominal cost from the county health department.
Release of information regarding the testing, test result, diagnosis, or treatment of an employee for a sexually transmitted disease may only be made pursuant to an effective release and only to the degree permitted by the release. To be effective, a release must be signed and dated, must specify to whom the release may be made, and the time period for which the release is effective. Any disclosures made pursuant to a release must be accompanied by the following statement:
"This information has been disclosed to you from records whose confidentiality is protected by state law. State law prohibits you from making any further disclosure of it without the specific written consent of the person to whom it pertains or as otherwise permitted by state law. A general authorization for the release of medical or other information is not sufficient for this purpose."
Infection Control Program:
The district's infection control program shall be consistent with WAC 296-62-08001, Blood-borne Pathogens and the Guidelines for Implementation of Hepatitis B and HIV School Employee Training published by the superintendent of public instruction.
All employees with reasonably anticipated on-the-job exposure to blood or other potentially infectious material shall be identified. Potentially infectious human body fluids are blood, semen, vaginal secretions, cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluid, pleural fluid, pericardial fluid, peritoneal fluid, amniotic fluid, saliva in dental procedures, any body fluid that is visibly contaminated with blood and all body fluids in situations where it is difficult to differentiate between body fluids. Examples of employees with reasonably anticipated risk of exposure include, but are not limited to, school nurses; teachers and aides in classrooms for the developmentally disabled, the institutionalized, or group home residents; bus drivers of such students, or who provide first aid; communication disorders specialists for such students; coaches or assistants who provide first aid; and first aid providers. All job duties should be evaluated for the risk of exposure to blood or potentially infectious material. The district shall maintain a list of job classifications with reasonably anticipated exposure to blood or other potentially infectious material.
All employees identified as having reasonably anticipated exposure to blood or other potentially infectious material shall be offered the hepatitis B vaccine at the district's expense.
If an employee has a specific exposure to blood or other potentially infectious material, the district will provide a free and confidential medical evaluation and follow-up performed by an appropriately trained and licensed health care professional. Any necessary post-exposure treatment shall be provided.
Employees with reasonably anticipated exposure to blood and other potentially infectious material shall participate in district-provided training within ten days of employment and annually. The training shall include:
- a general description of blood-borne diseases
- an explanation of modes of transmission of blood-borne pathogens
- an explanation on the use and limitations of methods of control
- information about personal protective equipment
- information on the hepatitis B vaccine
- a description of procedures to follow if an exposure incident occurs
- an explanation of signs, labels, tags, and color coding used to designate biohazards
- where to obtain a copy of WAC 296-62-08001, Blood-borne Pathogens
- an explanation of the district's infection control plan and how to obtain a copy
- how to identify tasks and activities that may involve exposure to blood or other potentially infectious material
- appropriate actions to take in emergencies involving blood or other potentially infectious material
The training shall be provided by a qualified person and shall include opportunities for questions.
The district shall provide training to all employees regarding HIV/AIDS. The training shall be provided by January 1993 and within six months of initial employment. The training shall include:
- history and epidemiology of HIV/AIDS;
- methods of transmission of HIV;
- methods of prevention of HIV infection including universal precautions for handling body fluids;
- current treatment for symptoms of HIV and prognosis of disease prevention;
- state and federal laws barring discrimination against persons with HIV/AIDS; and
- state and federal laws regulating the confidentiality of a person's HIV antibody status.
Significant new discoveries or changes in accepted knowledge regarding HIV/AIDS shall be transmitted to employees within one calendar year of notification from the superintendent of public instruction, unless the department of health notifies the district that prompter dissemination of the information is required.
The hepatitis B vaccination status and records regarding any occupational exposure, if any, shall be kept in strict confidence during employment, plus thirty years, for any employee with reasonably anticipated exposure to blood or other potentially infectious material. The records of occupational exposures shall include:
- the employee's name and social security number
- the employee's hepatitis B vaccination status
- examination results, medical testing, and follow-up procedure records
- the health care professional's written opinion
- a copy of information provided to the health care professional
The district shall also keep records of training sessions including the dates, a summary of the material, names and qualifications of the trainers, and names of employees attending the training. These records shall be kept for three years.
General Building and Custodial Procedures to Prevent the Spread of Communicable Diseases:
The following guidelines are meant to provide simple and effective precautions against transmission of disease for all persons, including pregnant women, potentially exposed to the blood or body fluids of any student. No distinction is made between body fluids from students with a known disease or those from students without symptoms or with an undiagnosed disease.
First Aid Procedures in the Building Health Rooms
- wound cleaning: Gloves are recommended when cleansing wounds requiring direct hand contact with wound secretions. Gloves and any cleansing materials will be discarded in a lined trash container that is secured and disposed of daily.
- thermometers: Only disposable thermometers or thermometers with disposable sheath covers will be used when taking students' temperatures. Disposable sheath covers will be discarded in a lined trash container that is secured and disposed of daily.
Handling of Body Fluids
- Body fluids of all persons should be considered to contain potentially infectious agents (germs). (Body fluids include blood, semen, vaginal secretions, drainage from scrapes and cuts, feces, urine, vomitus, nasal discharge, saliva, tears, and respiratory secretions.)
- Gloves are recommended when direct hand contact with body fluids is anticipated (e.g. treating nose bleeds, bleeding abrasions, handling clothes soiled by urine and/or feces and diapering.) If gloves are not available in an emergent situation, then hand-washing is most important in preventing the spread of disease. Whether gloves are worn or not, careful hand-washing is imperative for personal protection.
- Gloves used must be discarded in a lined trash container, secured and disposed of daily.
Disinfecting Contaminated Surfaces by Custodial Staff
- Intermediate level disinfectant should be used to clean surfaces contaminated by body fluids. Such disinfectants will kill fungi, tubercle bacillus, and viruses. The disinfectant should be registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for use in medical facilities.
Initially Adopted: January 25, 1993
Adopted: March 8, 2010