
Longview School District


Longview, WA, USA
Grading and Progress Reports Procedure 2420

Procedure No. 2420P


Grading and Progress Reports

The grade point averages for grades 9-12 shall be calculated in the following manner:

A. Each student’s “grade point average” shall be the sum of the point values, of all the marks/grades received for all courses attempted divided by the sum of the credits for all courses attempted. The grade point value shall be calculated by multiplying the numerical value of the mark/grade earned by the number of credits assigned to the course.

B. The numerical value of grades are:

1.      A = 4.0              7.  C = 2.0

2.      A- = 3.7             8.  C- = 1.7

3.      B+ = 3.3            9.  D+ = 1.3

4.      B = 3.0            10.  D = 1.0

5.      B- = 2.7           11.  E or F = 0.0

6.      C+ = 2.3


The minimal passing mark/grade is D = 1.0.  Pass/fail, credit/no credit, and satisfactory/unsatisfactory marks may also be used. These non-numerical marks/grades shall be clearly identified and excluded from the calculation of grade point average.

C. Marks/grades for each course taken shall be included in the calculation of grade point averages.  Only the highest mark/grade and corresponding credit for a class/course taken more than once to improve a mark/grade shall be included in the calculation of grade point averages and included on the transcript. Marks/grades for recurring classes shall all be included in the calculation of grade points. Grade point averages shall be rounded to two decimal places and reported for each trimester/semester or other term and for the cumulative credits earned for all courses attempted in high school.

The standardized high school transcript shall contain:

A. The student’s name (last name, first name, and middle names or middle initials);

B. The student’s current address, address at graduation, or address at withdrawal from school (street, city, state, zip code);

C. The student’s birth date and sex;

D. The student’s identification number (if applicable);

E. The school’s name;

F. The school’s address (street, city, state, zip code, and telephone number);

G. The dates of the student’s entry, reentry, withdrawal, and graduation (if applicable) related to the school issuing the transcript;

H. The student’s academic history for high school (grade level and date of course completion, course titles, marks/grades earned, credits attempted, and grade point average);

I. The name and address of parent(s) or guardian(s) (street, city, state, zip code) if such information is available;

J.  A list of previous high schools attended (school name, address, city, state, and month and year of entrance and exit); and

K. The signature and/or seal of the authorized school official (name, title, and date).


Initially Adopted: November 23, 1987

Adopted: December 14, 2009