
Longview School District


Longview, WA, USA
Fund Raising Activities Procedure 3530

Procedure No. 3530P



Fund-Raising Activities

Guidelines for fund-raising activities are as follows:

  1. Student participation must be voluntary.
  2. Door-to-door solicitation by elementary school students is strongly discouraged.
  3. Schools shall designate an administrator(s) who will be aware of and coordinate fund-raising activities.
  4. The fund-raising activity must be such that it is not likely to create a poor public relations image. Whenever possible, a letter of introduction on official school stationery should accompany school-initiated solicitations.
  5. Fund-raising activity efforts must not interfere with the educational program. The use of class time shall be discouraged.
  6. Fund-raising activities conducted by associated student bodies or sub-groups thereof must conform to the district ASB accounting requirements.  Expenditures of all ASB funds must be approved by the ASB.
  7. Fund-raising activities conducted by outside groups (including parent groups) must not involve the official student body organizations and must not utilize district materials, supplies, facilities, or staff unless reimbursement is made.  If student body organization involvement occurs, any moneys become ASB moneys and are subject to ASB accounting requirements.
  8. Parent groups may use school district facilities for fund-raising activities provided that a facility use form has been filed and approved and that all out-of-pocket costs are reimbursed to the district.
  9. The following fund-raising activities are approved:
    1. sales of goods (candy, T-shirts, etc.), magazines, apples (if maintained in cold storage);
    2. car washes, school supplies, rummage and garage sales, pancake breakfasts, spaghetti dinners;
    3. paper drives, bottle drives, etc., that do not interfere with the school day;
    4. carnivals, when organized and supervised by the school and/or the recognized parent group;
    5. skating and bowling parties, provided there is adequate supervision and liability protection;
    6. band-a-thons, bike-a-thons, and walkathons, provided that there are no more than three (3) per building during a school year;
    7. basketball games, if liability insurance for participants and facilities is included in the contract; and
    8. talent, variety, musical, and drama productions (after school hours).
      Any major purpose fund-raising activity that is not listed above must have the approval of the superintendent.
  10. Fund-raising activities in excess of $20,000 must be submitted by the principal to the superintendent for approval.  Application for approval must include:
    1. the name of the sponsoring group,
    2. the proposed activity,
    3. the manner in which the money is to be collected,
    4. the purpose for which the money is to be used,
    5. supervision plans.


Initially Adopted: October 16, 1986

Adopted: February 22, 2010