
Longview School District


Longview, WA, USA
Field Trips and Excursions Procedure 2320

Procedure: 2320P
Section: 2000 - Instruction


Field Trips and Excursions

Field trips are defined as travel away from school premises, under the supervision of a teacher, with an approved course of study, for the purpose of affording students a direct learning experience not available in the classroom. The transportation costs for all such field trips conducted during school hours will be borne by the district; unless specified otherwise.

All WIAA related and/or sanctioned events will be approved at the building level through the Athletic Director and Principal and are not subject to the remainder of the procedure.

Other regularly reoccurring student groups (examples: Band/Choir, CTE Student Leadership Organizations, Drama, ASB) may be approved at the building level; however, parent permission forms are required.  International travel for these groups will still be subject to the procedure. 

The following procedures will apply:

Field Trips

  1. The staff member will submit a completed field trip request form (top portion of the Field Trip Permission Form) to the principal at least two weeks prior to the field trip.  Principals may approve all trips that are within the state or northwest Oregon.  Superintendent and/or designee must approve trips that exceed the principal parameters or any trip requiring over-night stays.
  2. The staff member will contact the site to make specific arrangements for the field trip so that the desired activity can be coordinated with the classroom studies.  In addition, they will plan and coordinate transportation.
  3. The staff member will be responsible for securing additional adult supervision for the trip.  The principal will determine the appropriate number of adult supervisors based upon the age of students, duration of the trip, safety considerations, and nature of activities planned.  Students must be under the supervision of a lead teacher/chaperone.  Student conduct during the activity must be appropriate and in consideration of the personal and property rights of others.  District policies and procedures pertaining to pupil conduct, disciple and rights apply to pupils while on field trips.
  4. Each student participating in a field trip must first return a completed permission slip signed by the parent/guardian.

Overnight Field Trips

  1. The staff member must submit to the principal a field trip request form (top portion of the Field Trip Permission Form) along with a written plan; including purpose, supervision, itinerary, cost, housing, and student costs (if any) within four weeks of the overnight event.
  2. After approval by the principal, the proposal should be submitted to the superintendent/designee for approval.
  3. After approval by the superintendent, a written description of the overnight field trip will be sent to the parent. All such field trips are optional. Parent permission is required.

International Travel

Approval of international travel is subject to the United States Department of State travel warnings. Travel warnings are issued when the state department decides, based on all relevant information, to recommend that Americans avoid travel to a certain country. District travel to Canada and Mexico will be approved unless either country is identified through a travel warning.  No district sponsored international travel will be approved to any other country as long as the worldwide caution is in effect. Students will be required to obtain a Passport at their expense.

  1. The staff member must submit to the principal a written request for approval, including purpose, supervision, itinerary, cost, housing, and student costs six months before the date of the trip and before any fundraising begins or deposits are place for the trip.
  2. After approval by the principal, all requests for both single and multi-school trips will be approved by the superintendent
  3. After approval by the superintendent, a written description of the international, overnight field trip will be sent to the parent. All such international trips are optional. Parent permission is required.
  4. All signed approval forms and trip records will be kept on file at the school.
  5. Staff members and sponsors will obtain competitive pricing to assure maximum student participation at the lowest possible cost.


Initial Adoption Date: January 28, 2019