
Longview School District


Longview, WA, USA
Emergency Treatment Procedure 3431

Procedure No. 3431P


Emergency Treatment of Students

When a student is injured or the victim of a sudden illness or other medical emergency (for example, severe bleeding, shock, breathing difficulty), it is the responsibility of the first staff member on the scene to initiate the appropriate response* as outlined in the district’s Emergency Response Manual.

If, in the judgment of the principal or person in charge, immediate medical attention is required, and if the parent or guardian cannot be reached and no instructions from the parent or guardian are on file, the student may then be taken directly to the hospital and treated by the physician on duty.

In the event of an injury or sudden serious illness, a report must be submitted by the principal, as soon as possible, from information provided by the person(s) at the scene of the accident.  The written report should include a description of the circumstances of the illness or injury and procedures followed.  A copy should be included in the student's cumulative record folder and a copy should be sent to the executive director of leadership and learning’s secretary.

*Cross Reference:  Longview School District Emergency Response Manual


Initially Adopted: September 18, 1986

Adopted: February 22, 2010