Board Committees Procedure 1240PR
Board Subcommittees, District Standing Committees, and Board Liaisons
Board subcommittees, district standing committees, and board liaisons will promote professionalism and collaborative relationships through building a culture of mutual respect, trust, and shared responsibility.
A. Board Subcommittees
The board subcommittees review, consider and monitor matters of the district and provide guidance to the district administrative team. Board subcommittees shall be composed of two board members, the superintendent, and the appropriate cabinet level administrator(s). Subcommittee members provide reports to the full board during regular board meetings as part of the Board Subcommittee Report section on the agenda. Board subcommittees meet at least quarterly or as needed and may request information on matters pertaining to their charge. Board subcommittees established as of this date include:
Human Resources (Formerly Employee Relations)
The Human Resources Subcommittee will hear reports and provide feedback on collective bargaining and negotiation matters pertaining to the LEA, LECA, LCPEA, SEIU, Management Team and Exempt Team Agreements and will provide oversight in maintaining agreed upon board parameters set out at the beginning of the negotiation processes. Staff will provide this committee with updates on human resource related matters like employee recruitment and retention efforts, staffing needs and attrition rates. Board members will not directly serve on the district’s collective bargaining negotiations team.
Finance, Facilities and Technology
The Finance, Facilities and Technology Subcommittee will hear reports and provide feedback on finance, facility and technology matters including the PRAM (preservation, renovation, and modernization) projects.
One board member from this subcommittee may serve as board liaison to the Facilities Advisory Committee, and one may serve as board liaison to the Budget Advisory Committee. The budget advisory liaison will attend annual audit entrance and exit meetings, as requested. The role of the board liaison is defined in Section C.
Curriculum & Instruction
The Curriculum & Instruction Subcommittee will hear reports and provide feedback on curriculum, instruction, assessment, professional development and district initiatives. The focus of this committee is on student learning, dynamic and distributed leadership, and sustained improvement efforts. This committee has primary responsibility for professional development needs and opportunities for all staff.
Communications & Community Relations (Formerly Community Relations)
The Communications & Community Relations Subcommittee will hear reports and provide feedback on the development of community partnerships, district volunteers, and parent involvement. The committee will provide direction toward strengthening existing partnerships and will oversee the promotion of new collaborative opportunities with community members. Staff will provide this committee with updates on district communication efforts like quarterly newsletters and annual reports, and other communications/community outreach projects.
Policy Committee
The Policy Committee will review proposed policy changes, make recommendations to the full board regarding proposed changes, and advise the superintendent of the scheduling of policy action that comes before the board. The superintendent will be responsible for convening and facilitating the meeting. Other staff members will attend as needed.
B. District Standing Committees
District standing committees are considered permanent committees that meet regularly. Standing committees established as of this date include:
Facility Advisory Committee
The Facility Advisory Committee provides stakeholder input and oversight of the District’s facility inventory and planning. It serves five primary functions:
- Develop and oversee the implementation of the District’s Long-Range Facilities Plan.
- Review and recommend the yearly Prioritized Renovation and Modernization Plan (PRAM).
- Participate in the periodic State Study and Survey.
- Monitor the Asset Preservation Program.
Other tasks related to facilities as determined by the Board.
Budget Advisory Committee
The Budget Advisory Committee provides feedback to the superintendent on budget development matters.
Strategic Plan Review Committee
The Strategic Plan Review Committee is charged with monitoring the school improvement process and results. The board of directors’ charge to SPRC is to:
- Ensure that plans, activities, and implementation are consistent with the district’s mission and objectives of the strategic plan; and
- Facilitate changes necessary so that the strategic plan is responsive to the changes of the community.
Instructional Materials Committee
The Instructional Materials Committee shall receive from curriculum development committees and other professional personnel all requests for district adoptions. The committee will act upon these requests by examining, evaluating, and presenting final recommendations for school board action.
C. Board Liaisons
Board liaisons represent the full board to district standing committees by carrying information, questions, and feedback between the two bodies and the subcommittees from which they are appointed. Board liaisons have no voting rights on district standing committees or other committees.
Board liaisons facilitate communications between the Board of Directors and non-district entities. Non-district liaisons established as of this date include:
WIAA Liaison
After being elected, the board president shall appoint a WIAA liaison for the ensuing year and the liaison will report back to the board when appropriate.
City Council Liaison
The board shall have a liaison to the Longview City Council.
Legislative Representative
A legislative representative shall serve as the board's liaison with the Washington State School Directors' Association Legislative Assembly. The legislative representative shall attend Washington State School Directors' Association Assemblies, conveying the board’s views and concerns to that body and participating in the formulation of state legislative programs. The legislative representative shall monitor proposed school legislation and inform the board of the issues, and will also monitor the State Board of Education activities and legislative priorities.
Initially Adopted: December 15, 2008
Adopted: January 11, 2010
Amended: March 12, 2012 (Procedure number 1130 changed to 1240)
Amended: July 13, 2015
Amended: February 27, 2017
Amended: September 23, 2019
Amended: October 14, 2019