Use of School Facilities Policy 4260
Community Relations
Eligible Organizations
It is the policy of the Longview Board of Education to permit the use of district facilities by responsible non-school organizations or groups except as such rentals of district facilities are in competition with available privately operated facilities or are primarily for social functions.
The administration may and is authorized to allow local, non-school connected organizations or groups the use of district facilities only when satisfactory arrangements can be worked out and such uses do not conflict with the needs or policies of the Longview school system. Neither an individual nor a non-local organization may be allowed the use of a school facility except as such use is sponsored or underwritten by a reliable local organization the administration feels can provide adequate supervision and assure payment of the rental fee and other costs which may be incurred.
Approval for the use of school facilities may not exceed the fiscal year for schools (September 1 through August 31) and may be for a shorter period of time as deemed appropriate by the District’s administration. The District reserves the right to cancel its approval of use of facilities at any time with or without cause. The organizations approved for use of facilities do not have a vested right to the continued use of facilities unless as specifically authorized in a written agreement. Use of facilities may be extended for an additional fiscal year upon application and approval by the administration. Approval may be subject to the applicant establishing the organizations ability to pay for any additional expenses and, when appropriate, applicable insurance.
The administration shall not allow the use of any Longview School District facilities by any organization or group known to be subversive or advocating the violent overthrow of our government.
Notwithstanding the general policy set forth above, the administration is specifically authorized to permit the use of school facilities by the following organizations or groups who, by their nature, are concerned with education or with the youth of the district:
- Organizations relating directly or indirectly to the Longview Public School function: e.g. parent-teacher associations, educational committees, Future Farmers of America, Future Teachers of America, Longview Education Association, etc.
- Youth organizations: e.g. Boy Scouts, Camp Fire USA, Girl Scouts, 4-H Clubs, etc. that promote educational or enrichment activities for school age children.
- Churches desiring the use of facilities may be approved on the same basis as all other non-profit organizations.
- City sponsored recreational programs may use athletic and playground facilities to the extent the administration can relinquish them and such use will not involve liability to the district or additional expense. Approved use limited to the "season" or fiscal year may be renewed upon application or agreement.
- Civic, service, fraternal, nonschool connected professional, business-industrial: e.g. Red Cross, Kiwanis, Lions, Rotary, Women's Club, American Legion, Elks, Eagles, Knights of Columbus, Vasa, Business and Professional Women, unions (credit or labor), Toastmasters, American Association of University Women, Junior Chamber of Commerce, Beta Sigma Phi, Delta Kappa Gamma, Chamber of Commerce, business firms, industries.
- Colleges or other organizations offering education programs.
- Individuals or organizations offering private tutoring to students for compensation if the superintendent or his/her designee determines, after consultation with affected staff members and a review of private services available in the community that: (a) such tutoring may not be feasibly offered in a cost effective manner at commercial establishments or other locations; (b) the use does not unfairly compete with privately-operated facilities; (c) the use of the school facility does not unduly disrupt or interfere with normal educational activities or create security or personal safety issues for students, staff, or district property; (d) the individual permitted to use facilities is either a district staff member or has submitted to background screening in the same manner as a new employee; (e) the use does not create any significant additional operating costs for the district; and (f) the activity directly benefits the students and the district’s educational program. The superintendent will also require the person providing such tutoring to provide proof of liability or other appropriate insurance. Any facility use under this section shall be treated as a Class I use. (formerly item #9)
School Buses
In the event of major forest fires, floods, or other natural
emergencies, the Longview School District may rent or lease school buses to governmental agencies for the purposes of transporting personnel, supplies, and/or evacuees. Such renting or leasing may take place only after the state director of civil defense or any of his agents so authorized has, at the request of the involved governmental agency, declared that an emergency exists in a designated area insofar as the need for additional transport is concerned. (formerly item #8) The agency renting or leasing the school buses must agree, in writing, to reimburse the school district for all costs and expenses related to their use and also must provide an indemnity agreement protecting the district against any type of claim or legal action whatsoever, including all legal costs incident thereto. The Washington State School Directors' Association's Emergency School Bus Lease Agreement will be used.
Staff Use of Facilities
Members of the staff wishing to work with members of the community or with students in curricular and extracurricular activities which are not an official part of the school program may use district facilities, provided there is no significant increase in the costs of operating the facility and provided that the staff member is not being compensated for his/her time. Staff members may also apply for use of facilities on the same terms as other members of the public as provided in this policy and regulation.
Legal References:
RCW 28A.320.510 | Night schools, summer schools, meetings, use of facilities for |
RCW 28A.335.150 | Permitting use and rental of play-grounds, athletic fields, or athletic facilities |
RCW 28A.335.155 | Use of buildings for youth programs — Limited immunity |
AGO 1973 No. 26, Initiative No. 276 | School districts — Use of school facilities for presentation of programs — Legislature — Elections |
Cross References:
Board Policy 3241 | Contraband |
Board Policy 3352 | Detection Canines |
Initially Adopted: December 1, 1958
Adopted: October 12, 2009
Amended: August 9, 2010