The board of directors presumes that the person who enrolls a student in school is the custodian of the student. Unless the court specifies otherwise, the custodial parent "may determine the child's upbringing, including his education, health care, and religious training."*
The board, unless informed otherwise, assumes that there are no restrictions regarding a noncustodial parent's right to be kept informed of the student's school progress and activities. If restrictions are made relative to the above rights, the custodial parent must submit a certified copy of the court order which curtails these rights.
Unless there are court-imposed restrictions, the noncustodial parent, upon request, will be given grade reports, notices of school activities, report of disciplinary actions, or access to any other items contained in the student's official records.
If there is a court order on file with the district/school that restricts and/or prohibits any parent or other person from contact with a student at school or picking up a student from school, then the district will not permit the student to visit with or be released to that parent or other person.
*Legal Reference:
9A U.L.A. 96 5408a | Uniform Marriage and divorce act |
CFR 45, Part 99 | Family education rights and privacy act |
RCW 26.09.250 | Child custody - powers and duties of custodian |
RCW 13.34.200 | Order terminating parent and child relationship |
Initially Adopted: February 8, 1988
Adopted: February 22, 2010
Amended: March 9, 2020