Community Relations
The Longview School District may cooperate with outside organizations’ (for example, college, university, etc.) research projects involving staff and students when, in the judgment of the superintendent, the project gives evidence of providing significant data and the research design is in keeping with generally-accepted research practice. Interruption of class time will be kept to a minimum in all approval projects. No project will be approved if there is any indication that student learning will be jeopardized.
All research projects must be approved in advance by the superintendent and by the board if a change in curriculum is involved.
Parents may inspect, upon request, a survey instrument created by a third party before the survey is administered or distributed by a school to students. Schools will notify parents and allow them to exclude their child from any survey containing one or more of the following eight federally identified “protected” areas:
- political affiliations or beliefs of the student or the student’s parent;
- mental or psychological problems of the student or the student’s family;
- sex behavior or attitudes;
- illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior;
- critical appraisals of other individuals with who respondents have close family relationships;
- legally recognized privileged or analogous relationships, such as those of lawyers, physicians, and ministers;
- religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or student’s parent; or
- income (other than that required by law to determine eligibility for participation in a program or for receiving financial assistance under such program).
Written parent permission (active consent) is required prior to surveying students with a federal department of education funded instrument that contains questions in one or more of the above-listed eight protected areas.
Legal References:
20 U.S.C. 1232h |
Protection of Pupil Rights (Hatch Amendment) |
34 CFR Parts 75, 76, and 98 (1984) | Student rights in research, experimental activities and testing Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)/No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) |
Initially Adopted: December 15, 1983
Adopted: October 12, 2009