While attendance is very important to the success of the district and student education, it is understood that there will be times that an employee will need time off work for both medical and personal reasons. A leave of absence is voluntary, without pay, and may be requested after employment with the district for one continuous year.
The board of directors may, at its option, grant up to one year's leave of absence to employees. The board of directors may extend the leave of absence for up to two years. Application is made through submission of the long-term leave without pay form. Application is made to human resources after the employee has reviewed the request with their immediate supervisor.
Employees on leave of absence will retain, but not accrue, all benefits accumulated at the time the leave was granted. All appropriate paid leave will be used prior to starting a leave of absence. Employment following the leave will be to an equivalent or comparable position, with no loss of salary schedule status, subject, however, to the staff reduction section of the collective bargaining agreement, if applicable. At the time a leave is granted, a date will be established by which the employee must notify the executive director human resources, in writing, of his/her intent to return to work.
If a person intends to obtain a job while on leave of absence, he/she is required to notify the district immediately providing full disclosure. The board will review the circumstances and determine if the leave of absence will continue with the employee working a non-district job. The board reserves the right to cancel a leave of absence if disclosure of leave reason is violated and not reported, or if a non-district job is obtained.
Legal References: RCW 28A.400.300, Hiring and discharging employees--Leaves for employees--Seniority and leave benefits, retention upon transfers between schools
Initially Adopted: May 2, 1973
Adopted: March 8, 2010