Leave for Out-of-District Consultation Policy 5327
It is expected that members of the district staff who have developed expertise in instruction and management will be asked to provide consultation services to other school districts and organizations. The board of directors encourages this type of activity so long as the activity does not interfere with the employee's performance of his/her responsibilities to the Longview School District. It is expected that such consultation leaves shall be on an occasional basis only and not be a regularly-scheduled occurrence.
Leaves for consultation purposes for employees who are members of the Service Employees International Union, the Longview Education Association, or the Longview Classified Public Employees Association shall be granted according to provisions of the appropriate collective bargaining agreement.
Administrators will be granted permission for consultation leave under the following guidelines:
- All leaves for consultation purposes must be approved in advance by the superintendent or designee.
- If consultant fees are to be paid to the administrator, he/she may not receive salary from the school district unless the consultation takes place during a vacation period.
- If consultant fees are not paid, the administrator may accept expense reimbursement while receiving salary from the Longview School District. No expense reimbursement shall be paid by the Longview School District for provisions of services to other school districts.
Initially Adopted: December 15, 1983
Adopted: March 8, 2010