Policy No. 3226
Section: 3000 - Students
The Longview School District has worked cooperatively over many years with law enforcement agencies, child protective agencies, and the county health department to solve problems facing students. In order to avoid disruption of the educational program, however, the District discourages interviews and interrogations of students on school premises. As a general rule, interviews of students should take place at the agency or the student’s home.
However, there are limited circumstances when an interview of a student at school is warranted, such as for school-initiated investigations, child abuse investigations, and investigations that may be seriously jeopardized by further delay (exigent circumstances).
When an interview or interrogation is warranted by the circumstances, the District will utilize the procedures and protocols associated with this policy. The interviews of students as witnesses, victims, and suspects will be treated differently.
The District’s obligation to educate does not depend on the immigration status of children or their parents/guardians. The District therefore supports the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) policy that enforcement actions do not occur at, and are not focused on, sensitive locations, including schools and school bus stops. A judicial warrant will be required before an immigration agent, such as an ICE officer, will be permitted to access a District school. All requests by immigration agents to interview or interrogate students will be forwarded to the superintendent for review consistent with federal and state law and in consultation with legal counsel.
Cross References: |
4310 – Relations with Law Enforcement and Other Government Agencies |
Legal References: |
RCW 28A.635.020 Willfully disobeying school administrative personnel or refusing to leave public property, violations, when—Penalty. |
RCW 26.44.030 Reports—Duty and authority to make—Duty of receiving agency—Duty to notify—Case planning and consultation—Penalty for unauthorized exchange of information—Filing dependency petitions—Investigations—Interviews of children—Records—Risk assessment process. |
RCW 13.44.140 Juveniles entitled to usual judicial rights—Notice of—Open court—Privilege against self-incrimination—Waiver of rights, when. RCW 13.40.740 Juvenile access to an attorney. Cowlitz County Child Abuse and Neglect Investigation Protocol |
Management Resources: |
2018 – December Issue 2013 – July Issue |
Policy News, April 2001, Compliance Office Provides FERPA Update |
Policy News, February 1998, FERPA limits student records access |
Initially Adopted: November 14, 2022