The board of directors recognizes that the Longview School District will continue to develop an ongoing program for access to internet and other electronic information networks that will allow unprecedented opportunities for students and staff to communicate, learn, and access information. These new opportunities also pose many new challenges including, but not limited to, access, security, and cost of maintaining ever more elaborate networks.
By creating access to these networks, the board intends only to provide a means for continuing and improving access and does not intend to create a first amendment forum for free expression purposes. The district dedicates the property comprising the network and grants access to it by users only for the activities authorized under this policy and procedure and under the specific limitations contained therein. District policy and procedure provide no expectation of privacy.
The board directs the superintendent to develop procedures that encourage responsible access to electronic information networks by staff while establishing reasonable controls for the lawful, efficient, and appropriate management of the system.
Cross Reference: Policy and Procedure 2022, Electronic Resources
Initially Adopted: February 13, 1995
Adopted: March 22, 2010