The board will establish graduation requirements, which at a minimum satisfy those established by the State Board of Education. The board will approve additional graduation requirements as recommended by the superintendent or designee. Graduation requirements in effect when a student first enrolls in high school will remain in effect until that student graduates. The board will award a regular high school diploma to every student enrolled in the district who meets the requirements established by the district. Only one diploma will be awarded with no distinctions being made between the various programs of instruction that may be pursued.
Each student must meet the following requirements to graduate from high school: (1) complete the credit requirements specified in the procedure accompanying this policy; (2) pass the necessary state assessments or a state-approved alternative assessment; and (3) complete a high school and beyond plan.
Class of: | 2019- | 2021 and beyond |
Entering 9th grade after July 1 of: | 2015 -16 | 2017 |
English | 4 | 4 |
Mathematics | 3 | 3 |
Science | 2 | 3 |
Social Studies | 3* | 3* |
Arts | 1 | 2 (1 may be PPR**) |
Health and Fitness | 2.5 | 2 |
Career and Technical | 1 | 1 |
World Language | - | 2 (or 2 may be) |
Electives | 5.5 | 4 |
Total Required Credits: | 22 |
24 |
*Students graduating in 2019 and beyond are required to complete one stand-alone civics course to meet graduation requirements.
**Personalized Pathway Requirements are related courses that lead to a specific high school career or educational outcome chosen by the student based on the student’s interests and High School and Beyond Plan, that may include Career and Technical Education courses that are intended to provide a focus for the student’s learning.
District note: Credits required for graduation must be at least 22 for the classes of 2019-20 and at least 24 for the classes of 2021 and beyond. The credit requirements for each graduating class are determined by the State Board of Education to ensure that students have an opportunity to partake in a broad variety of academic, occupational, cultural and recreational courses in order to enhance their quality of life in high school and to meet their future career goals.
Awarding of High School Credit:
High school credit will be awarded for successful completion of a specified unit of study. In this district, successful completion of a specified unit of study means: Earning a passing grade according to the district's grading policy and/or demonstrating proficiency/mastery of content standards as determined by the district.
Meet or exceed the minimum scores on the Washington State Assessments in English language arts (ELA) and in mathematics. The ELA assessment requires a minimum score of 2548 and the mathematics assessment requires a minimum score of 2595.
Earn at least one high school credit in ELA and at least one high school credit in math in dual credit courses (Running Start, College in the High School, and Career and Technical Education dual credit courses). Students do not have to pay fees or claim college credit to meet this pathway, but they must be eligible for college credit at the level of 100 or higher, by meeting the program criteria established by the local district and the applicable higher education entity.
For both ELA and math, earn a 3 or higher on certain Advanced Placement exams or a 4 or higher on certain International Baccalaureate exams or an E on certain Cambridge International exams, or pass the course with at least a C+.
Meet or exceed the graduation scores set by SBE in the math and ELA portions of the SAT or ACT.
Pass a transition course in ELA and math (for example, a Bridge to College course, which is a senior course for students who earned a Level 2 on the SBA) which allows a student to place directly into a credit-bearing college level course. This pathway includes transition courses identified through local agreements between colleges and school districts.
Meet any combination of at least one ELA and one math option of those options listed previously.
Meet standard on the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) by scoring at least the minimum established by the military for eligibility to serve in a branch of the armed services.
Complete a sequence of Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses: a minimum of two or more high school credits of CTE courses in a progression tailored to the student’s goals and relevant to the postsecondary pathway(s) outlined in the student’s High School and Beyond Plan. The sequence must be comprised of courses within the same CTE program area or can be comprised of courses from different program areas, if approved by the school board, designee (Superintendent), or a local CTE advisory committee and approval of OSPI through the expedited approval process.
Expedited Appeal Process for Waiving Student Assessment Requirements
An expedited appeal process for waiving specific requirements in RCW 28A.655.061 for students who have met all graduation requirements except an assessment requirement is available for eligible students in the class of 2020. The student or the student’s parent, guardian, or principal may initiate an appeal with the district and the district has the authority to determine which appeals to submit to the superintendent of public instruction for review and approval.
The High School and Beyond Plan must inform course-taking and be aligned with the student’s goals for education or training and career after high school. The High School and Beyond Plan has the following additional requirements:
- The plan must be initiated during 7th or 8th Grade.
- For students with an IEP (Individualized Education Program), the HSBP must be updated in alignment with their “school to post-school transition plan” and must be updated in a similar manner and with similar school personnel as for all other students.
- The plan is required to inform students of eligibility for automatic enrollment in advanced classes.
- The plan is required to include evidence that students have received information on FAFSA and WAFSA, including the list of what is needed to complete the financial aid applications and opportunities to help families fill out the application.
Elements of the High School and Beyond Plan Include:
- an identification of career goals, aided by a skills and interest assessment;
- an identification of educational goals;
- a four-year plan for course-taking that fulfills state and local graduation requirements and aligns with the student’s career and educational goals:
- and by the end of twelfth grade, a current resume or activity log that provides a written compilation of the student’s education, any work experience, and any community service and how the school district recognized the community service.
In addition, the High School and Beyond Plan must also:
- Be revised annually or as necessary for changing interests, goals, and needs of the student.
- Include a personalized pathway course plan that aligns with graduation requirements and post-high school plans.
- Identify available interventions and academic support, courses, or both, that enable students who have not met the high school graduation assessment standards or graduation pathway options to do so.
- Be advised for an 8th grade student who has not earned a Level 3 on middle school state assessments in math, the student must take a math course in both the 9th and 10th grades.
- For a student who takes a career and technical education (CTE) course that has determined to be equivalent to an academic core course (a CTE course equivalency) include a record of a certificate of CTE course completion. The academic course is recorded on the student’s transcript and the record that the student completed a CTE course is part of the High School and Beyond Plan.
- For students subject to the 24-credit Graduation Requirements (Class of 2021 and beyond), the plan must guide a student’s Personalized Pathway Requirement. A Personalized Pathway is a locally determined body of coursework that is deemed necessary to attain the post-secondary career or educational goals chosen by the student. Within the 24-credit graduation requirement framework, the Personalized Pathway requirements are three flexible credits that are chosen by the student to help prepare them for specific education or career goals.
- A copy of the High School and Beyond Plan must be provided to parents or guardians. Translated versions of the High School and Beyond Plan will be provided to non-English speaking parents or guardians.
Students are required to complete an Aspire to Achieve Culminating project which includes a Senior Oral Presentation. Specific requirements are detailed in course handbooks and published annually.
All state requirements must be satisfied except that the district may waive Washington history and government for students who have completed and passed a state history and government course in another state during grades seven through twelve and who have fulfilled study of the Washington state constitution through an alternative learning experience approved by the principal. Additionally, the district may waive physical education, pursuant to RCW 28A.230.050, upon written request of a parent or guardian on account of physical disability, employment, or religious belief or because of participation in directed athletics or military science and tactics. This will not alter the credit requirements established by the board.
Unusual circumstances may result in a student’s inability to earn all twenty-four (24) credits required for high school graduation. The school principal may waive up to two (2) of the flexible credits in the graduation requirements for unusual circumstances that may include, but are not limited to:
- Homelessness;
- A health condition resulting in an inability to attend class;
- Limited English proficiency;
- Disability, regardless of whether the student has an individualized education program or a plan under Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973;
- Denial of an opportunity to retake classes or enroll in remedial classes free of charge during the first four years of high school;
- Transfer during the last two years of high school from a school with different graduation requirements.
In order to graduate, students granted a waiver must earn the seventeen (17) required subject credits (English, math, science, social studies, health and fitness, one arts, and one Career and Technical Education) which may be satisfactory demonstration of competence as provided by WAC 180-51-050.
The superintendent or designee will develop procedures for implementing this policy according to applicable state law, which will include:
- Determination of the education plan process for identifying competencies;
- Establishing the process for completion of the High School and Beyond Plan;
- Recommending course and credit requirements which satisfy the State Board of Education requirements and recognize the expectations of the citizens of the district;
- Determining which courses satisfy particular subject area requirements and whether a particular course may satisfy more than one subject area requirement, including a process for determining credits the district will recognize for courses taken through another program recognize by the state (e.g. another public school district or an approved private school) or those courses taken by students moving into the state from another state or country. Decisions regarding the recognition of credits earned before enrolling in the district will be based on the professional judgment of the high school principal or designee based on an evaluation of the student’s former program and demonstrated knowledge and skills in the discipline for which credit is sought. The decision of the principal may be appealed to the superintendent within fifteen school days;
- Making graduation requirements available in writing to students, parents, and members of the public,
- Providing for a waiver of graduation requirements for an individual student when permitted. All state graduation requirements must be satisfied unless a waiver is permitted by law;
- Granting credit for learning experiences conducted away from school, including National Guard high school career training;
- Granting credit for correspondence, vocational-technical institutes and/or college courses for college or university course work the district has agreed to accept for high school credit. State law requires that the district award one high school credit for every five-quarter hour credit or three-semester hour credit successfully earned through a college or university, except for community college high school completion programs where the district awards the diploma. Tenth and eleventh grade students and their parents will notified annually of the Running Start Programs:
- Granting credit for work experience;
- Granting credit based upon competence testing;
- Granting credit for high school courses completed before a student attended high school, to the extent that the course work exceeded the requirements for seventh or eighth grade;
- Counseling of students to know what is expected of them to meet graduation requirements;
- Preparing a list of all graduation students for the information of the board and release to the public;
- Preparing suitable diplomas and final transcripts for graduating seniors;
- Planning and executing graduation ceremonies; and
- Developing student-learning plans for students who are not successful on one or more components of the statewide assessment.
To be awarded the Washington Seal of Biliteracy, graduating high school students must meet the following criteria:
1. Demonstrate proficiency in English by (1) meeting statewide minimum graduation requirements in English as established by the Washington State Board of Education and (2) meeting state standards on the reading and writing or English language arts assessment; and
2. Demonstrate proficiency in one or more world language. For purposes of this section, “world language” is defined as a language other than English, including American Sign Language, Latin, and Native American or other indigenous languages or dialects. Proficiency may be demonstrated by:
- Passing a foreign language Advanced Placement exam with a score of 3 or higher;
- Passing an International Baccalaureate exam with a score of 4 or higher;
- Demonstrating intermediate-mid level or higher proficiency on the American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) guidelines using assessments approved by OSPI for competency- based credits; and demonstrating proficiency using reading assessments approved by OSPI (when developed);
- Qualifying for four competency-based credits by demonstrating proficiency in speaking, writing, and reading the world language at intermediate-mid level or higher on the ACTFL proficiency guidelines according to Policy 2409, Credit for Competency-Proficiency; or
- Demonstrating proficiency in speaking, writing, and reading the world language through other national or international assessments approved by OSPI.
A student with a disability may fulfill graduation requirements as follows:
1. By the age of 14, the student will participate with the IEP Team (including a special education teacher, general education teacher, parents, student, and other school personnel and agency representatives who will assist the student in achieving the goals of the IEP) in a discussion of transition service needs that focuses on the student’s course of study.
2. As an outcome of the discussion, the IEP will include appropriate graduation requirements based on the student’s individual needs and abilities consistent with the student’s transition plan. Modifications to the district’s standard graduation requirements may include:
- Attainable alternate classwork or individualized activities substituted for standard requirements;
- A statement of waiver for any waived standard graduation requirements; or
- An extension of time for the student to remain in school to complete graduation requirements. The student may remain in school up to and including the school year in which the student reaches twenty-one years of age.
3. The student will, in cooperation with his or her parent or guardian and the IEP team, determine:
- The projected date by which all graduation requirements will be met; and
- The projected date and conditions under which the student will participate in the graduation ceremony.
4. The student will have an IEP that incorporates all issues and decisions from the above procedures. Any decision that modifies the district’s standard graduation requirements will be made through the IEP process. Annually or as needed, the IEP will be reviewed or revised to accommodate the student’s progress and development.
The district may withhold a student's diploma or transcript until the student pays for any school property the student has lost or willfully damaged. Upon payment for damages, or the equivalency through voluntary work, the district will release the diploma or transcript. When the damages or fines do not exceed $100, the student or his/her parents will have the right to an appeal using the same process as used for short-term suspension as defined in Policy 3241, Classroom Management, Discipline and Corrective Action. When damages are in excess of $100, the appeal process for long-term suspension as defined in Policy 3241, Classroom Management, Discipline and Corrective Action, will apply. The district may, in its discretion, choose to offer in-school suspension in these circumstances.
In the event that the district has imposed other forms of corrective action for violations of school rules, the district may deny the student’s participation in graduation ceremonies. Such exclusion from graduation ceremonies is regarded as a school suspension. In such instances, the district will grant the diploma.
Cross References:
2410 | High School Graduation Requirements |
3520 | Student Fees, Fines, or Charges |
3241 | Classroom Management, Discipline and |
3110 | Qualification of Attendance and Placement |
Legal References:
RCW 28A.230.090 | High school graduation requirements or equivalencies — Reevaluation of graduation requirements — Review and authorization of proposed changes — Credit for courses taken before attending high school — Postsecondary credit equivalencies |
RCW 28A.230.093 | Social studies course credits – Civics coursework |
RCW 28A.230.097 | Career and technical high school course equivalencies |
RCW 28A.230.120 | High school diplomas — Issuance — Option to receive final transcripts — Notice |
RCW 28A.230.122 | International baccalaureate diplomas |
RCW 28A.600.300-400 | Running start program - Definition |
Adopted: April 26, 2010
Amended: April 26, 2010
Amended: February, 27, 2012
Amended: November 26, 2012
Amended: August 26, 2013
Amended: January 23, 2017
Amended: July 9, 2018
Amended: March 9, 2020