
Longview School District


Longview, WA, USA
Evaluation of the Superintendent Policy 6002

Policy No. 6002

Management Support



The board of directors shall evaluate the performance of the superintendent annually. The superintendent shall have the opportunity for confidential conferences with the board on no less than two occasions each school year, the purpose of which shall be the aiding of the superintendent in his/her performance.

The evaluation shall be based on specific board/superintendent developed performance objectives and the job description of the superintendent as adopted by the board. The minimum evaluative criteria to be used in the evaluation shall be those outlined in RCW 28A.405.100:

  1. Knowledge of, experience in, and training in recognizing good professional performance, capabilities, and development;
  2. School administration and management;
  3. School finance;
  4. Professional preparation and scholarship;
  5. Effort toward improvement when needed;
  6. Interest in pupils, employees, patrons, and subjects taught in school;
  7. Instructional leadership, including responsibility for improving student achievement; and
  8. Ability and performance of evaluation of school personnel.

The board, on the basis of the evaluation, may renew and/or extend the superintendent's contract for periods not to exceed three years.


Legal Reference:

RCW 28A.400.010 Employment of Superintendent – Superintendent’s qualifications, general powers, term, contract renewal.
RCW 28A.405.100

Minimum criteria for the evaluation of certificated employees, including administrators--Procedure--Scope--Penalty



Initially Adopted: October 17, 1985

Adopted: March 22, 2010