Management Support
Each administrator shall be evaluated annually in order to provide guidance and direction to the administrator in the performance of his/her assignment. Such evaluation shall be based on his/her job description, accomplishment of annual goals and performance objectives, and established evaluative criteria.
The superintendent shall develop procedures for these evaluations. Prior to the beginning of the school year, the superintendent and/or the administrator’s direct supervisor shall inform the administrator of the criteria to be used for evaluation purposes, including the adopted goals for the district. Such criteria shall include: performance statements dealing with instructional leadership; administration and management; school finance; professional preparation and scholarship; effort toward improvement when needed; interest in students, staff, citizens, and programs; and staff evaluation.
Both staff members involved in the evaluation conference shall sign the written report and retain a copy for their respective records. The employee shall have the right to submit and attach a written statement to his/her evaluation following the conference.
Legal References: RCW 28A.405.100, Minimum criteria for the evaluation of certificated employees, including administrators--Procedure--Scope--Penalty
Initially Adopted: March 11, 1996
Adopted: March 22, 2010