
Longview School District


Longview, WA, USA
Charge Cards Policy 6212

Policy No. 6212

Management Support



The Board authorizes the issuance of charge cards for official District purchases and acquisitions. The superintendent or his/her designee (hereinafter, the charge card administrator) shall be responsible for the authorization, issuance and control of the use of charge cards, subject to final board approval of payments.  

With supervisor and the charge card administrator’s approval, charge cards may be issued to any district employee. Cash advances on the cards are prohibited.  Statements will be verified and balanced by each Department or School Office.  Any charges not properly identified as official purchases and acquisitions shall immediately be paid by the staff member.  Any staff member who has been issued a charge card shall not use the card if any disallowed charges are outstanding.  Any staff member issued a charge card will, prior to issuance, sign an Individual Charge Card Use Agreement outlining the specific conditions of issuance and use, including the statement that fraudulent misuse of the District charge card will be subject to discipline up to and including termination.

The Superintendent shall establish procedures for the issuance and use of charge cards.


Cross Reference: Policy No. 6213, Travel Expenses


Legal References:

RCW 42.24.115

Municipal Corporations and Political Sub Divisions Charge Cards for officers’ and employees’ for travel expenses

RCW 43.09.2855

Local Governments-Use of Credit Cards


Initially Adopted: January 13, 2014