
Longview School District


Longview, WA, USA
Business Insurance Policy 6531

Policy No. 6531

Management Support



The district will maintain sufficient liability insurance for protection against claims for the negligent or wrongful acts of its employees or agents. The amount and terms of such insurance protection will be reviewed annually as part of the district’s risk management program.

The district shall hold harmless all employees and board members from any expense connected with any claim wherein such individual is named as a defendant to the extent that such claims are not covered by insurance, provided that the cost of any claim against such individual shall not be paid where the court has found that such person was not acting in good faith or within the scope of his employment or duties for the district.


Legal References:

RCW   28A.400.360

Liability insurance for officials and employees authorized


Mandatory insurance protection for employees


School buildings, maintenance, furnishing, and insuring


Officers, employees, or agents of school districts or educational service districts, insurance to protect and hold personally harmless



Initially Adopted: January 23, 1956

Adopted: March 22, 2010