Acceptance of Gifts, Conveyances, Devises & Bequests Policy 6114
Management Support
Development of varied sources of funding for the district’s educational programs and facilities is a desirable goal of the Longview School District Board of Directors. Opportunities to enhance or supplement traditional sources of district revenue will be considered.
The board recognizes that individuals and organizations in the community may wish to contribute financial support, supplies, equipment, or property to enhance or extend the district’s programs and facilities. The board’s preference is for unrestricted gifts provided through existing charitable organizations.
The board is committed to the fair and equitable provision of educational opportunities within the district. Designated gifts must comply with the criteria established in Procedure 6114. Such designated gifts should be made to support unfunded and/or under-funded district or building priorities.
Any gift to the district or to an individual school or department having a value of $10,000 or greater shall be subject to board approval.
Any fundraising activities or naming opportunity associated with a proposed gift having a value of $10,000 or greater shall be subject to approval by the board of directors prior to any solicitations of funds or other donations supporting the proposed gift. The superintendent or designee will ensure that the fundraising plan has been adhered to prior to coming to the board for a formal acceptance of the gift.
The naming of district facilities can present an opportunity for revenue enhancement and fundraising. Naming rights can provide resources to complement public funding for education when they appropriately support the ideals and values of the district as reflected in the district’s mission statement, core values, and policies. Revenue from naming rights must comply with all provisions of Policy 6970 and must include:
- support activities that improve student achievement and/or school-approved student activities;
- assist in the maintenance of existing district educational and athletic programs and facilities;
- assist in the development and funding of new educational and athletic programs and facilities; and/or
- provide merit-based or need-based scholarships for students participating in athletic, academic and activity programs.
The person or organization being honored by naming of a facility must represent the ideals and values of the district as reflected in the district’s mission statement, core values, and policies. The board of directors reserve all rights in naming of facilities as outlined in policy and does not delegate this authority under any circumstances. The board reserves the right to decline any donation conditioned on a naming right.
Nothing in this policy shall preclude the placement of an appropriately-sized recognition plaque, name plate, or donor wall in a room or other portion of a school or facility in recognition of donors, including a corporate sponsor.
In no event shall any commitment, obligation, or offer, be made by a staff member or other individuals in return for any gift to the district or to a school or department without the board’s authorization. Neither the board nor individual board members shall authorize gifts that are inappropriate or contrary to the ideals and values of the district as reflected in the district’s mission statement, core values, and policies; which carry with them unsuitable conditions; or which shall obligate the district to expenditures from the general fund which are out of proportion to the value of the gift.
No District employee shall personally benefit from a gift or donation to the District and conversely, no donor shall receive benefits other than those specifically included in the Gift Proposal Form or that violate, District Policy, state or federal statutes.
Any gift which will require maintenance or installation shall be reviewed prior to acceptance to make certain it complies with all district, local, state and federal guidelines and standards and installation shall be made at a reasonable cost. All gifts shall, except as otherwise agreed, become district property and shall be accepted without obligation relative to use and/or disposal. The district may sell, lease, rent, or exchange and invest or expend any income from gifts and enter into contracts and adopt regulations deemed necessary by the board to provide for the receipt, utilization, and/or expenditures of the gifts, conveyances, devises, or bequests.
The superintendent shall establish procedures that include criteria and process for the acceptance of gifts.
Legal References:
RCW 28A.320.030 |
Gifts, Conveyances, etc., for Scholarship and Student Aid Purposes, Receipt and Administration |
RCW 9.46.0233 | Fund Raising Event |
RCW 19.09.100 | Conditions Applicable to Solicitations |
Initially Adopted: November 10, 2003
Adopted: March 22, 2010
Amended: November 28, 2016