
Longview School District


Longview, WA, USA

Annual Report

Students in a School Garden

Our Mission: 

To ensure that every student learns the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors to become a responsible citizen in a rapidly changing world.


Board of Directors:
Don Wiitala, President
Jennifer Leach, Vice President
Barb Westrick
Crystal Moldenhauer
Don Cox

A Message from Longview Public Schools

Dear Families and Community Members,

What an incredible start to our 2024-25 school year it has been! I am enjoying the beautiful autumn colors of Longview and I continue to feel so grateful for the warm welcome I have received from the staff and the community. Through my school visits, the commitment of our staff to serve our students and families is clear. Our schools continue to be places of growth, achievement, and innovation, and school leaders and staff are committed to creating a culture of belonging in which students feel welcomed and recognized for their unique talents and strengths.

I am continuing the engagement activities within phase one of my entry plan. I consider myself very fortunate to have been able to spend time meeting with staff, administrators, students and community members. I have served school lunch at a middle school, ridden a bus route - on Halloween (Not sure who scheduled this but it was fantastic!), attended athletic events, choir concerts, read to our youngest learners, met with high school student advisory groups, and thoroughly enjoyed attending some of our Veteran’s Day Assemblies. Most importantly, I am listening and learning to stakeholder ideas, opinions, and hopes for our school district in preparation for my presentation to the Board of Directors in December. It is very evident that our traditions run deep in Longview and that our schools are well supported in our community.

Again, this year we have made school safety and security a top priority. From recent facility upgrades to implementing proactive measures that keep our students and staff secure, we are committed to ensuring that our schools are welcoming and safe environments where students and staff can focus on learning. Thank you for supporting Longview Public Schools. Together, we are building brighter futures, one student at a time. I look forward engaging in this wonderfully supportive community and to the exciting opportunities the rest of the school year will bring.

Dr. Karen L Cloninger

2023-24 District Finances

Budgeted Expenditures

2023-24 District Finances pie chart graphic
83.8% Salaries & Benefits, 8.0% Supplies, 7.9% Purchased Services, 0.3% Other 

Budgeted Amount Per Student for 2024-25

$16K  +  $3K  =  $19K
Staff Salaries & Benefits   Other District Expenses    Total Per Student


Budgeted Revenue Sources 

Source 2024-25
Local Levy $16,269,337
Local Non-Tax $2,095,294
State $62,325,196
Federal/Grants $35,338,760
Other $229,500
Total $116,258,087

Note: Data is per the school board approved 2024-25 budget.

For more details, visit Under “Organization Type,” select “School District,” and under “Organization,” select “Longview.”

Graduation Rates

Graduation Rate Graph
Students by Ethnic Group Pie Chart
Percent of students by ethnic group: 64.7% White, 22.5% Hispanic, 7.1% Two+, 1.9% Asian, 1.5% Native American/Alaskan, 1.4% Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, 1.0% Black 

Student : Teacher Ratios

Kindergarten 1st-5th Middle School High School
18:1 22:1 21:1 19:1


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