Advisory Committees
The district values input from the community, and encourages interested citizens to serve on one of the district’s advisory committees. Interested persons must reside within the boundary area of Longview Public Schools and have an interest in the long-term improvement efforts for our schools.
- Budget Advisory Committee
- Strategic Plan Review Committee
- Facility Advisory Committee
- Instructional Materials Committee
- Athletic Facilities Task Force
Budget Advisory Committee
Purpose: The Budget Advisory Committee provides feedback to the superintendent on budget development.
Membership: Membership of the committee is determined by the Superintendent and may be comprised of internal stakeholders and citizen representatives.
Meetings: Meetings generally occur during the budget development process between January and May. Meetings are scheduled as part of the Budget Development Calendar.
Membership Terms: There are no term limits for staff because membership is a function of the leadership roles particular individuals have. Citizen representatives would serve three year terms which will be staggered.
Strategic Plan Review Committee
Purpose: The Strategic Plan Review Committee (SPRC) has been authorized by the board of directors to monitor the school improvement process and results.
Primary Functions: The board has outlined the following objectives for the SPRC:
- Ensure that plans, activities, and implementation are consistent with the district’s mission and objectives of the strategic plan; and
- Facilitate changes necessary so that the strategic plan is responsive to the changes of the community.
- The SPRC shall make an annual report to the board of directors. The annual report shall include a recommendation for action related to the board’s approval of site action plans.
Membership: Membership of the committee is comprised of both internal and community stakeholders and includes the following positions:
- Superintendent – 1
- Middle School Principal – 1
- LEA Representative – 1
- LCPEA Representative – 1
- Elementary Principal – 1
- High School Principal – 1
- SEIU Representative – 1
- Community Members – 7
Terms: Members will serve three-year terms. The terms will be staggered to ensure continuity within the committee. Members may serve consecutive terms. Staff members are selected by the superintendent and appointed by the school board. Citizen representatives are selected by the Board of Directors in consultation with the superintendent’s recommendations.
Meetings: Meetings generally occur in the fall and the spring and follow a strategic planning cycle. At times, the committee may meet more frequently depending on projects or issues. Meetings will be informal in nature and when necessary for decisions or actions, a vote of the group in attendance will determine the matter. As reasonably possible, materials and information will be sent to FAC members prior to each meeting.
Sub-committees: From time to time the SPRC may task staff or a smaller committee to research or develop ideas for the larger group to consider. This will be done on an “as needed” basis and determined by the committee.
Officers: It has been tradition for two community members to serve as co-chairs of the committee. One of the community members will serve as co-chair for a one-year term. The community co-chair will have two primary duties; 1) to assist in the development of meeting agendas, and 2) represent the committee at public meetings such as Board meetings as a spokesperson for the committee.
As described in Policy 0560
Facility Advisory Committee
Purpose: The Facility Advisory Committee is a standing committee of the Board of Directors for the Longview School District. The committee was established to provide stakeholder input and oversight of the District’s facility inventory and planning.
Primary Functions: The Facility Advisory Committee serves five primary functions.
- Develop and oversee the implementation of the District’s Long-range Facilities Plan.
- Review and recommend the yearly Prioritized Renovation and Modernization Plan.
- Participate in the periodic State Study and Survey.
- Monitor the Asset Preservation Program.
- Other tasks related to facilities as determined by the Board.
Membership: Membership of the committee is comprised of both internal and community stake-holders. Community members should be sought out who either have children in the system or possess a level of experience or expertise in the area of construction, construction and safety codes or facilities management.
- Superintendent – 1
- Assistant Superintendent – 1
- Executive Director of Finance – 1
- Executive Director of Operations - 1
- Facilities Manager – 1
- Transportation and Safety Manager – 1
- LEA Representative – 1
- Elementary Principal Representative – 1
- Secondary Principal Representative – 1
- Board Liaison – 1
- Citizen Representatives – 6
Terms: Members will serve three-year terms. Terms will be staggered to maintain continuity within the committee. Members may serve consecutive terms. Staff members are selected by the superintendent and appointed by the school board. Citizen representatives are selected by the Board of Directors in consultation with the superintendent’s recommendations.
Meetings: Meetings will generally occur quarterly during the course of a school year. At times, the committee may meet more frequently depending on projects or issues. Meetings will be informal in nature and when necessary for decisions or actions, a vote of the group in attendance will determine the matter. As reasonably possible, materials and information will be sent to FAC members prior to each meeting.
Sub-committees: From time to time the Facility Advisory Committee may task staff or a smaller committee to research or develop ideas for the larger group to consider. This will be done on an “as needed” basis and determined by the committee.
Officers: The Assistant Superintendent or designee will serve as a co-chair for the committee as a representative of the District. One of the community members will serve as co-chair for a one-year term. The community co-chair will have two primary duties; 1) to assist in the development of meeting agendas, and 2) represent the committee at public meetings such as Board meetings as a spokesperson for the committee.
Instructional Materials Committee
Purpose: The Instructional Materials Committee reviews curriculum intended for districtwide use and makes recommendation for approval to the board of directors.
Primary Functions: The instructional materials committee shall receive from curriculum development committees and other professional personnel all requests for district adoptions. The committee will act upon these requests by examining, evaluating, and presenting final recommendations for school board action. The committee will also act on all appeals from decisions of the building instructional materials committee as a part of the process for acting on complaints regarding instructional materials as outlined in Procedure 2020P. The executive director of leadership and learning may ask the committee to act in an advisory capacity in helping to determine areas of the curriculum in which instructional materials need to be reviewed and acquired. The leadership and learning board committee will review and evaluate the variety and costs of requests for purchase of instructional materials.
Membership: Individual members shall be appointed by the superintendent of schools, subject to approval of the board of directors. Members include:
- Executive Director of Leadership and Learning – 1
- Elementary Principal – 1
- Secondary Principal – 1
- Classroom Teachers (Elementary, Middle School, High School) – 1 each
- Special Education Representative – 1
- Citizen Representatives – 3
In addition, temporary appointments of one year or less may be made in order to bring into the committee certain professional staff members needed to facilitate completion of short-range tasks. (Examples: math specialist, reading specialist, media specialist, administrator, music instructor, etc.) Members will be nominated by their respective groups. Nominations are to be forwarded to the superintendent no later than September 15 of each year. The superintendent shall present his/her recommended list of members to the board for approval at the second meeting in September.
Terms: The executive director of leadership and learning shall be a permanent member of the committee. Teachers will serve for 1 year and represent the content under review for that year. All other members of the committee shall have three-year terms. The terms for patrons will be staggered so that every year a new patron is appointed or reappointed.
Meetings: Meetings of the district instructional materials committee are subject to the Open Public Meetings Law and must be announced, in writing, to the press not less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to each meeting. Meetings will be held as needed and will be convened by the chairperson of the committee or at the request of a majority of the members.
Officers: The executive director(s) of leadership and learning shall serve as chairperson(s) and as recorder.
As described in Policy 2020
Athletic Facilities Task Force
The Board of Directors has formed an ad hoc Athletic Facilities Task Force to assess the condition of the school district’s athletic facilities and to present the Board with recommendations for improvement. The task force will prepare a report to the board that includes:
- Identify and describe each school district athletic facility including location, dimensions required/desired for the activity, general existing condition and usage per year.
- Assess condition and space of lockers/dressing rooms for each
- Research related to desired playing surfaces and documentation of the pros and cons of each surface.
- Recommendations as to what facility upgrades and modifications are most desirable for our student athletes.
- Cost projections including future maintenance.
- Suggested priority sequence for upgrading the facilities.
- Identify funding sources and strategies.